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  • 3 Oct 2023 2:14 PM | Michele Guarino (Administrator)

    By: Sandra Thompson
    NFBPWC’s Immediate Past President

    In August the East LA Montebello Club in California celebrated Women’s Equality Day at the home of Marjory Hopper.  Marjory asked me to explain why we wear yellow.  At the time I really had no idea, but thanks to some information from Barbara Bozeman and further research I came up with some of the reasons yellow is an important color in BPW.   It was suggested that I share with all of you what I came up with, so here is my presentation.

    The Meaning of Yellow 

    Yellow represents joy, happiness, positivity, and honor.  It makes one happier and suppresses anger and frustration.

    It is the most energetic color and increases confidence.

    It also represents a new dawn.

    Yellow is a luminous color that attracts light, exuberance, and freshness.  We can’t help but be drawn in by its perky cheeriness.  As world history and Western symbology expert Michael Pastoureau noted in his book Yellow: The History of a Color, yellow shares a similar likeness to gold and honey, which epitomize pleasure and abundance in ancient cultures and religions.  It also signified opulence since royals would wear it in their clothing.

    According to Nina Ashby, psychic and author of Simply Color Therapy, the color yellow is symbolized by the sun and represents joy, light and mental positivity.  Spiritually, the color yellow is also embodied by the solar plexus chakra-the seat of power and will.  Ashby points out our yellow is associated with the mind and the logical, left side of the brain that organizes information.

    The suffragettes were inspired by their English sisters who wore white, purple and green.  When they brought it to the United States, they changed the green to gold.

    Kansas was the first state to hold a referendum on women’s suffrage in 1867.  A referendum is when citizens directly vote on an issue.  While the referendum was defeated (leaving Kansas women without the vote), it inspired other western states to hold similar referendums.  Kansas eventually recognized a woman’s right to vote in local elections in 1887.  In 1867 when women were campaigning for the referendum in Kansas, they began carrying sunflowers since that is the state flower of Kansas.  This then changed the gold to yellow.

    If you wore yellow roses you were for the vote for women and if you wore red roses you were against.

  • 1 Oct 2023 2:15 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By Teressa Gehrke, Digital Training

    In an era dominated by advancing technology, digital literacy is not just a skill, it's a fundamental right. For women around the globe, access to digital resources and the ability to navigate the digital landscape can be transformative. In this blog, we will explore the vital role of digital literacy in empowering women and how NFBPWC can lead in this arena.

    The Significance of Digital Literacy for Women

    First, digital literacy is a gateway to education. It opens doors to a wealth of educational resources, from online courses to e-books, leveling the playing field for women in pursuit of knowledge. We continually hear that education is the key to the kingdom, or in our case, queendom. What skills do you have that can elevate another woman in your life?

    Second, digital literacy provides economic empowerment. Access to digital tools and platforms enables women to participate in the global economy, either through entrepreneurship or remote work opportunities. As a technology professional, who has dabbled in blockchain, I’ve seen how digital literacy and the ability to use tools like cryptocurrency can uplift a women’s collective in more impoverished areas.

    Third, women can amplify their voices. Social media and digital platforms provide a stage for women to voice their opinions, advocate for change, and connect with like-minded individuals on a global scale. If we don’t hear it or see it, we can’t know about it. This can level the playing field and bring attention to humanitarian and women’s rights issues.

    The Global Difference

    NFBPWC is dedicated to promoting digital literacy and training among women worldwide, with the belief that a digitally empowered woman is an agent of change in her community. She can teach others, and even more importantly, teach children.

    Bridging the Digital Divide 

    Who do you know who can provide accessibility to more women? Who do you know who can benefit from gaining access to digital resources, especially in marginalized communities? These conversations are needed to bring more women into the digital fray, but also to encourage women to join the technology or cyber security field. Globally, an estimated 25% of women are in the cyber security field and it needs to hear your unique voice. 

    How You Can Support Digital Literacy


    Get involved by volunteering your time, skills, or resources to support NFBPW’s Digital Training efforts. Help raise awareness about the importance of digital literacy for women in their own communities and networks.


    Digital Literacy is not just about using computers; it's about accessing opportunities, amplifying voices, and transforming lives. We’re driving change and empowering women worldwide. By supporting this cause, we can all play a part in building a more inclusive and equitable digital future.

    October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Having a sense of digital literacy also means you practice good habits like strong passwords, use multi-factor authentication to double up your defenses against bad hackers, and avoid clicking on phishing links, emails, and attachments. If you have any questions about security awareness, please contact me

  • 1 Oct 2023 1:50 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By:  Manjul Batra
    NFBPWC Nominations Chair,

    Forms for National elective office & Chairmanships will be sent out early for Clubs to prepare their members for leadership positions for the term 2024-2026.


    1. Club President’s identify their members for club leadership or National positions and support their development during the club year.

    2. As recommended earlier a scheduled independent National training program be organized for club leaders who intend to run for National Office or Chairmanships.
  • 1 Oct 2023 1:45 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Valentina Solarin
    NFBPWC’s Mentoring Chair, 

    Mentoring Program Application

    We're excited to announce another session of the Mentoring Program! The NFBPWC Mentoring Program matches members with each other and facilitates a mentor/mentee relationship.

    Open to all members at any point in their career, mentor/mentee pairs meet virtually to discuss various topics ranging from skills, strategy, equity, and more.

    We have a plethora of expertise among our members. Become a mentor!

    There are equal numbers of members who are yearning to find someone to learn from and gain an understanding of something. What do you want to learn?

    Vocalize an area of interest in an application so the Mentoring Program Team can find a mentor to assist you.

    1. THE FIRST STEP is to submit an application HERE to the Mentoring Committee and explain your goals with the program. 

    2. The Mentoring Committee will then partner you and coach you through launching your mentoring relationship!

    Our goal is to have every local or virtual Affiliate take part in the mentoring program.  We encourage each Affiliate to have a member serve as a liaison to assist in empowering members to participate as either a mentor or mentee.


    Tell us about your mentoring expertise/skills in an area OR tell us what you would like guidance in.

    Application: Apply by clicking on the registration button on this page.

      You must be logged into the membership database to apply.

    • In the log in field, enter your email and password, then click the LOGIN button.

    • If you do not remember your password, click the FORGOT PASSWORD link next to the LOGIN button. Enter your email address to receive a reset password link via email.


    New matches will be asked to have an initial meeting to confirm:

    1. there is a good fit,

    2. goals can be established for a successful outcome, and 

    3. a time-frame for the mentoring process can be achieved. 


    Mentor/Mentee teams are required to document their goals and agreed-to time-frame.


    The Mentoring Program Chair will contact the participants at random points to check on their progress and ensure that teams are working.


    Mentor/mentee teams submit evaluations of the process. This is invaluable feedback for the program as we move forward to determine future processes.

  • 1 Oct 2023 1:35 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Sandra Thompson
    NFBPWC’s International Chair, 

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    BPW International is fundraising to send a van to the Ukraine.  BPW UK and A. Leclercq are leading a fundraising campaign to acquire, equip, and transport from Bulgaria a van for the benefit of BPW Chernihiv, Ukraine.  Along with the van they want to fill it with much needed supplies for our BPW sisters and their families and friends.  

    On September 6th the UK hosted a meeting featuring 3 women who live in Chernihiv, Ukraine for nearly 560 days of this conflict, and one who made the decision to leave and become a refugee in England.  They spoke of the hardships that they are facing.

    Enough money to purchase the van has been raised, but now we need to fill it with lifesaving items for the people in the Ukraine.  Toward this end NFBPWC would like to support this effort.  There will be a place on the national website where you can donate.  Just go to enter your information at the bottom of the webpage to donate (if you are logged into your membership account, your information will automatically populate).

    Items that are needed include the following:

    • Well-stocked first aid kits for providing first aid (with turnstiles)

    • Chargers and power banks also with solar panels

    • Autonomous solar panels

    • Torches, battery-powered flashlights and floodlights (to support households and businesses during emergency situations and blackouts)

    • Thermoses or flasks of good quality (for 3-5 liters)

    • Gas touristic cookers with cylinders

    • Medicinal products (vitamins, for nervous system, antivirals, pain relievers, antipyretic drugs, throat lozenges that do not need to be stored in the refrigerator)

    • Food for babies

    • Sanitary-hygienic items: toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, ST’s, etc.

    All items will be purchased in Bulgaria to avoid shipping costs.

    We will be collecting funds until October 25th.   This will allow us time to transfer the funds to BPW International.  Here is the link to donate   You can go to the bottom and just check Ukraine Van Project and make your donation.

    Every little bit helps so please consider a donation of any size to this project to help others.

  • 1 Oct 2023 1:15 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Suzette Cotto
    NFBPWC Public Relations Chair

    Engage with NFBPWC on Social Media 

    Organization Page:


    Group Page:

    Organization Page:



    October Highlights in US Women’s History

    October Highlights in US Women’s History 

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    • October 3, 1904 – Mary McLeod Bethune opens her first school for African-American students in Daytona Beach, Florida

    • October 4, 1976 – Barbara Walters becomes the first woman co-anchor of the evening news (at ABC)

    • October 4, 1993 – Ruth Bader Ginsburg joins the U.S. Supreme Court as its second woman Justice

    • October 8, 1993 – Toni Morrison becomes the first African American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature

    • October 10, 1983 – Dr. Barbara McClintock receives the Nobel Prize for Medicine for her discovery in genetics about mobile genetic elements

    • October 11, 1984 – Dr. Kathryn D. Sullivan is the first U.S. woman astronaut to “walk” in space during Challenger flight

    • October 15, 1948 – Dr. Frances L. Willoughby is the first woman doctor in the regular U.S. Navy

    • October 16, 1916 – Margaret Sanger opens the U.S.’s first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York

    • October 23, 1910 – Blanche Stuart Scott is the first American woman pilot to make a public flight

    • October 24, 1956 – Reverend Margaret Towner is the first woman ordained a minister in the Presbyterian Church

    • October 28, 1958 – Mary Roebling is the first woman director of a stock exchange (American Stock Exchange)


    U.S. Postal Service to Unveil Stamp Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    What: The first-day-of-issue ceremony for a new Forever stamp commemorating the legacy of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    When: Monday, Oct. 2, 2023, at 6 p.m. EDT

    Where: National Portrait Gallery

    Eighth and G streets NW

    Washington, DC 20001


    The United States Postal Service is proud to announce the dedication ceremony for a new Forever stamp honoring Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, celebrating her groundbreaking contributions to justice, gender equality and the rule of law.

    The ceremony will feature:

    • The official stamp unveiling

    • A keynote address by Governor Martinez

    • Remarks by other notable speakers

    • A presentation on the design and significance of the stamp

    • An opportunity for interviews and photographs

    News of the stamp is being shared with the hashtags #RuthBaderGinsburgStamp and #RBGStamp.

    About the Stamp

    The Ruth Bader Ginsburg stamp features an oil painting of her in her black judicial robe and iconic white collar. The stamp captures her enduring spirit and tireless dedication to upholding the principles of the Constitution.

    You can pre-order your stamps now.  More information can be found at:
  • 1 Oct 2023 12:55 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Susan E. Oser
    NFBPWC Rapid Response Committee Chair

    A few organizations out there on the local level have a rapid response team covering issues of concern.  Have you joined to learn about what they do?  If so, how can that be of help to NFBPWC?

    Please connect with Sue Oser at if you have any ideas on topics that should be focused on and discussed as we get into the big election cycle.
  • 1 Oct 2023 12:20 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Nancy Werner
    NFBPWC Advocacy Team ERA Lead

    Logo Description automatically generatedEQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT-E.R.A. IS BIG TIME in the News

    Advocacy Equal Rights Amendment.  “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of sex” needs to be placed into our Constitution. While most states have laws prohibiting discrimination of any kind based on sex, proponents of the E.R.A. say laws can be reversed or eliminated. Having a Constitutional Amendment would cement those rights. 

    Seneca Falls or BUST- PART 2. Yes, Denice Robinson and I, of the PA Affiliate, traveled to the 100th ERA Convention historical event. In the last E News Magazine, I shared the Day 1 events with you. But the best was yet to come on Day 2. Short recap-Generation Ratify and the Columbia School of ERA organized this event. Also, I forgot to give credit to the Alice Paul Institute for their financial support. The Generation Ratify has over 13,000 students in high schools and college campuses across the country. 

    We are on Friday, July 22. We went to the Women’s Rights National Park building. The information at the many displays are remarkable. All about the amazing women who have led the way for us during our country’s history. The Park Rangers were knowledgeable about every display. If you ever travel to Seneca Falls, this is a MUST visit. 

    For Day 2, the Generation Ratify and the Columbia’s School of ERA scheduled an Intergenerational Panel on the ERA. It was held at the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel which was right next door to the Women’s Rights National Park building. The topic was the past, present and future of the ERA. The panel was a gathering of the most extraordinary women who have led the way for ERA and the younger generation who are continuing the challenge.  The stage was set, and the church was packed.

    • Christin Nunes, President National NOW

    • Carolyn B. Maloney, President NY NOW, former Congresswoman (NY-12) and Board Chairman of the Fund for Women’s Equality

    • Ellie Smeal, CEO Feminist Majority

    • Rep. Cori Bush, Co-Chair of Congressional ERA Caucus

    • Rosie Coulture, Co-Founder Generation Ratify & student at Harvard University

    • Belan Yeshigeta, Co-Founder Generation Ratify & Student at Columbia

    • Ting Ting Cheng, Director of the Columbia Law School’s ERA Project

    • Moderator was Kate Kelly, author of Ordinary Equality

    Our moderator, Kate Kelly, had her questions ready for the panelists. Each panelist was prepared to share what they knew, what they were doing and what they saw in that proverbial “ERA crystal ball.” It was exhilarating to hear each woman share her views but the one presenter, Ellie Smeal, had us all on our feet. Working for the ERA for the longest of time, she saw the ERA coming into the U.S. Constitution. Her faith in our virtual society and the project that is sweeping the country was heartwarming. She shared that 50 years ago we only had half of the country behind the ERA but now we know with the use of the Internet, we are reaching far more individuals. Each and every speaker was dynamic and provided insight into our ERA. This panel discussion did run over the hour provided but it was inspiring. A hand holding a paper with text Description automatically generated

    We were able to take a walk to the People’s Park just down the hill from the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. A beautiful scenic setting along Lake Cayuga to having a picnic and meeting more of the younger attendees. It was supposed to be a working ERA lunch, but we were all busy sharing stories about ourselves and where we were from. Plus sharing the National Federation Business and Professional Women’s Club was Denice and my topic. What caught the many listening ears was our organization’s longevity and how we came to help Alice Paul in the 1930’s. Again, we made many young friends but so many wanted to know what it was like before Roe vs. Wade. They had thoughts about that decision too. 

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    One never realizes how steep a hill is until you need to climb back up. Denice did the hike, found my car and the way to the park. Naturally, we filled the car with riders as we were to head back to the First Presbyterian Church. Saved a lot of steps. But the church was again filled with all the attendees. (Thank you, Denice, for being our uber driver.)

    Our final session was the rest of the afternoon. There were discussions in groups around the church. All returning to provide input into the draft Convention declaration. A committee of attendees then took the draft and finalized a statement. An official vote was taken, and it was unanimous. (I shall try to get that statement for you in the next issue.) But what I felt was HOPE and lots of it. I have been having doubts about the passage of the ERA, but these 2 days showed me that this group, Generation Ratify, will definitely take us to the finish line. The motivation, the enthusiasm, and knowing what needs to be done whether on the Internet, with our legislators, or within our states and communities were being shared. Social media was humming during those 2 days as the younger group were busy using their phones with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all the other ways to communicate.

    The closing ceremony was a member of Generation Ratify who composed a song and music to share with us. Her remarkable musical skills were warmly received. Our organizers, Rosie Coulture, Belan Yeshigeta, and Kate Kelly shared closing remarks as to the hours they spent putting these 2 days together. They were thankful for the many who came and attended. Thanking all of us for our participation and ideas. Lastly, thanking those of us who paid the $267 registration that so many Generation Ratify members could attend. 

    We loved learning that part of our registration helped to provide transportation for many of the attendees. Some were able to find accommodation in nearby hotels. We even had some in our hotel. Those that did not get rooms brought their sleeping bags and slept on the floor of the lower level of the church. We saw the buses that transported the many attendees from the Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. area. We signed the Equality Bus. We met students from Stanford, Harvard, Howard, Yale, as well as students from their community colleges and state accredited colleges/universities. They were from everywhere.

    My favorite moments- Standing at the church podium where Alice Paul delivered her Equal Rights Amendment. Denice and I both got goosebumps. 

    Engaging with the younger generation and their focus to see the ERA into the Constitution. Plus, I will admit, being interviewed on what it was like 50 years ago, was a reality check. It was humbling but uplifting that I could realize that I did make a difference those 50 years ago.

    Hearing from our ERA leaders of their passion and purpose. Ellie Smeal, Rep. Cori Bush-MO-D, and Carolyn Maloney, President of the NY NOW are true champions of the ERA.  Meeting them and enjoying their company was a thrill.

    Our trip was definitely one for a lifetime. So glad that we had the determination to attend and be part of history. We made many new friends, made memories and learned that many strategies that are being used across the nation. Don’t forget to sign up with the

    Please keep in touch with your Senators using the NFBPWC “One Click.” You know how your Senators voted back In April. We have been promised a revisit and we need to be ready. Keep clicking.

    Key to the Photo Collage Above:

    Top Row:  Photo 1- Nancy and Denice are in the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel waiting for Day 2 to start. Do you know the lady standing next to Nancy is?

    Photo 2- The petition to sign for the ERA is online. Please take a moment and SIGN.

    Photo 3- People's Park along the beautiful Cayuga Lake was our lunch site. Lots of conversations were being entertained among the many women and men.

    Bottom Row:  Photo 1- U.S. Rep. Cori Bush, MO-D, leader of the ERA Caucus in Congress, was dynamic in her presentations. She encouraged Generation Ratify members to keep moving forward and not stop.

    Photo 2 - The VOTE EQUALITY Bus was with us and we were all invited to sign somewhere. Traveled from the VA area.

    Photo 3 -Denice and Nancy made sure that they got a photo at the very podium that Alice Paul shared her Equal Rights Amendment speech. 

  • 1 Oct 2023 12:15 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Susan Oser
    NFBPWC Advocacy Team LGBTQIA+ Lead

    Over the past year, we learned about the various communities and the flags that they represent.  While there are many more to focus on, there are a lot of websites out there that can educate you on those flags that may have been missed.  They include such websites as and

    A major focus for this year will be various organizations around the country or even the world that help, support and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community.  It’s a great way to learn about these organizations and perhaps invite them to your next meeting or for special speaking engagements.  The more we learn about these organizations the more we can network and offer the support they need via an ally or more.

    Recently, there has been an uptick in various state capitols and cities proposing as well as passing anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, especially focusing on the transgender community.  They are the most vulnerable within the spectrum with transgender youth facing the most hatred and bullying currently.  It is vitally important for our organization as well as other allies to listen, learn, and speak up for this community as well as all LGBTQ+ individuals.  They need our voices more than effort as we begin to prepare for next year’s presidential election season.  Because of the impact these laws have, and the inequality faced, going forward, this section of the LGBTQ+ advocacy column will be devoted to highlighting those bills and bring awareness to just what kind of situation the transgender community especially is facing.  There will also be good news as well to share because there always needs to be a silver-lining among the clouds.

    Organizations of the Month:

    Transgender Law Center, Trans Lifeline, Stand with Trans, The Trans Justice Funding Project, Transcend the Binary

    Transgender Law Center – Transgender Law Center (TLC) is the largest national trans-led organization advocating for a world in which all people are free to define themselves and their futures. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.

    Trans Lifeline – Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.

    Stand with Trans – Stand with Trans is saving lives one person at a time, one day at a time. We help trans youth build resilience, confidence and find hope for a future filled with joy. Founded in 2015 by a passionate mom, the organization continues to grow, serving an international population of families.

    The Trans Justice Funding Project – TJFP moves money to trans-led grassroots group and projects with trust and no strings attached. We center trans justice in the US and US territories and honor and amplify the ways our communities organize, create and shift culture, commit their love and care, and fight like hell for trans liberation.

    Transcend the Binary -We support trans/gender diverse folks and their families in developing a pathway to achieve their health and wellness goals.

    Why highlight?


    FYI Positive LGBTQ+ for October:

    If you don’t think writing to your state or federal congressperson makes a difference and writes back to you, check out what happened when a letter was written to Rashida Tlaib concerning LGBTQ+ issues:

    Dear Neighbor,

    Thank you for contacting my office regarding transgender rights. I share your commitment to protecting the rights, dignity, and autonomy of all people, regardless of their gender identity.

    I want to assure you that I stand firmly in support of transgender rights and the right to access gender-affirming care. It is deeply troubling to witness attempts to criminalize and strip away the fundamental rights of transgender individuals, particularly when it comes to their healthcare decisions. 

    The principles of patient autonomy and individual healthcare choices are cornerstones values of our democracy, which is why I have backed several significant pieces of legislation to support our transgender residents:

    H.R.697 - Justice for All Act of 2023: This bill prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or race-related characteristics in schools, businesses, federally funded programs, and other settings. It also provides statutory authority for and expands the types of civil actions that may be brought for violations. You can read more on the bill here: 

    H.R.15 - Equality Act: This bill prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity with respect to businesses, employment, housing, federally funded programs, and other settings. The bill definessex to include sex stereotypes, pregnancy, childbirth, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics.

    H.R.4422 - Global Respect Act:This bill imposes visa-blocking sanctions on foreign persons responsible for or complicit in violating the human rights of individuals due to actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics. The President must report and periodically update a list of foreign persons responsible for such human rights violations and apply sanctions accordingly.

    H.Res.269:Recognizing that it is the duty of the Federal Government to develop and implement aTransgenderBill of Rights to protect and codify the rights oftransgenderand nonbinary people under the law and ensure their access to medical care, shelter, safety, and economic security.

    Trans rights are human rights. Rest assured, I will continue to work tirelessly to protect life-saving healthcare for transgender youth and adults alike.

    Thank you again for reaching out to me on this crucial matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future with any other concerns you may have. My door is always open to you. 


    Rashida Tlaib

    Member of Congress

    The following is an overview of or anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in the news:

    Anti-Trans Legislative Risk Assessment Map: New Adult Map

    This map shows the 2-year risk for anti-trans laws. For the first time, included in this release is a new adult map showing the risk for trans adults in the United States. 

    If you have any news or leads on anything related to LGBTQ+ news, issues, and organizations, please contact Sue Oser at 

  • 4 Sep 2023 12:05 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    Happy BPW International Anniversary 2023!

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    BPW International was founded 93 years ago today in Geneva. BPW members can be found in 111 countries worldwide. We are a professional network of incredible women, full of expertise and rich in achievements. Congratulations to us all!




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The NFBPWC Blog has profiles of our members, the news that we're so very proud to share with you, and information that can help you advance your career, improve your life, and positively impact this organization. 

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles


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