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Meet BPW Member - Rebecca Ajibola

26 May 2022 5:41 PM | Lea-Ann W. Berst

A member of the Virtual Club since April 2022, Rebecca Ajibola is the Founder & CEO of the Humanity & Health Foundation.

As a passionate public health social change agent, Rebecca founded the foundation with a mission to prevent disease, promote health and literacy among populations in the poor socio-economic environment.

Rebecca AjibolaRebecca is versed in infectious and communicable disease, outbreak management, disease reporting and monitoring, data analysis, surveillance, statistical software applications, and mental health management.

A conversation with Rebecca:

Where do you attend school?

  • Walden University, United States
  • The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  • College of Education, Nigeria
  • Queens School, (High School) Nigeria

What are your career and personal aspirations?

  • I want to be a motivator, restore lost hope, and aim to maximize the potential of those around me!

What brought you to this career path?

  • Personal loss, a quest for success and self fulfilment.

Can you tell us about an important life lesson you’ve learned so far?

  • Always perceive issues or stumbling blocks as a challenge and resolve to overcome it.

Is there a particular person who helped get you to where you are today? 

  • Having lost my mother at a tender age, I cannot pin my success on a particular person.  I have had many persons in my journey so far. Mentors, Teachers, and Managers, that held my hands, cheered me on, all have been instrumental in my progress. I am forever grateful for the building blocks they laid on my path.

How did you find BPW? 

  • I found BPW through a discussion with a family member. I followed it up with a web search, and was impressed with what I was able to glean.

How can BPW help you on your career path? 

  • My interest is in advocacy, mentoring and humanitarian efforts; with the ability to make a difference in the less privilege.

Welcome Rebecca! You can connect with Rebecca on LinkedIn!!

Humanity & Health Foundation

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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