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Wondering about what to wear at GA2022?

29 Jul 2022 9:32 AM | Lea-Ann W. Berst

What do I wear? Great question and here are some suggestions:

Thursday night is casual for our Welcoming Reception in the evening.

Friday is our Board of Directors meeting; most attendees will be wearing business attire.

Saturday, we will wear white during the day to recognize the women suffragists who paved the path for women in the USA before us. This is the day of our General Assembly, so a white suit, white jacket, or white blouse would be appropriate. Most attendees will be wearing business attire during the day.

Saturday night is our Gala event. Take this opportunity to shine and bring something dressy to wear as we celebrate. A cocktail dress, a fancy scarf, a lovely pant suit, and other “glamorous” items will be appropriate. Have fun with this night. It is an opportunity to share yourself, your culture, and your fashionista side!

Sunday morning will be casual as we say goodbye. Some attendees will be participating in off-site tours and some will be departing. We will have one final Board of Directors meeting that will close out this conference as we start to look toward the next 2-year term.

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