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Bring Back the Pollinators

1 Apr 2024 12:55 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Marikay Shellman, BPW Colorado Virtual Chair, NFBPWC Environment and Sustainable Development Committee (2022-2024) 

Heather Holms, Biologist, conservationist, and Author presented an excellent discussion, Native bee specialists, plant hosts, threats and conservationfor the Best Practices for Pollinators Summit 2024.  I frantically took notes about the 6 bee families and the 20%-45% of native bees that are pollen and nectar specialists.  Many of these native bee specialists use only pollen and/or nectar from one species or genus of plants, Narrow Oligolecty.  Some, such as the bumblebee, are Polylecty, meaning they use pollen and /or nectar from more than 4 plant families.   Heather shared a list of native plants that serve specialists throughout the season. 

 Plants for Native Bee Specialist throughout the seasons: 


Salix (Willow)- female uses nectar & male pollen 

Hydrophyllum (Waterleaf) 

Geranium maculation (Wild Geranium) 

Zizia (Golden Alexanders) carrot family 

Dogwood shrubs (Cornus, Coral Red, Red Osier, Artic Fire) 


Physalis (Ground Cherry) tomatilla  

Dalea (Prairie Clover) 

Amorpha (Leadplant, False Indigo) 

Verbena, Vervain 

Lysimachia (Loosestrife) oil secreting glands attract Native Bees 

Monarda (Bergamot or Beebalm) stem nesting Native Bees 

Cirsuim (Thistle) 31 of oligolectic specialists need Native Thistle 

Rudbeckia (Gray-headed or Yellow Coneflower) 

Vernonia (ironweed) 

Cucurbita (Squash, pumpkin, melon) squash bee specialists nest 5” deep- NO TILL Helianthus (Sunflower) 


Bunch Grasses (Bluestem) Dianthiduim simile Native Bee nest at base  

Solidago and Euthamia (Golden rod) 3 species specific to nesting bees 

Symphyotrichum Eurybia (Aster) 3 species specific to nesting bees  Leave stem stubble of asters, bergamot, and beebalm. 

Plant micro-garden with native perennials inside of a container. 

Plant a shrubby hedgerow. 

Create a habitat to provide for birds by providing 2 trees.  This will give natural pest control by attracting barn swallows and red-winged blackbirds.

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