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2nd Vice President Advocacy Report

1 Apr 2024 12:10 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Daneene Monroe Rusnak, 2nd Vice President of Advocacy, NFBPWC 2020-2024


Thanks to a brand-new technology developed by the ad agency Ogilvy, ERA Coalition has

 introduced the Shout for Equality campaign to help increase the number of signatures received for the Sign4ERA initiative.  

This innovative approach is bubbling with “viral” potential and that is exactly what we’re all hoping for. Stay tuned for more details on how we, as NFBPWC members and friends, can show our support en masse. To learn more about the campaign, visit 

HERstory On Broadway! 

Opening night on Broadway for Suffs the musical will be on April 18th at the Music Box Theatre. Written by Shaina Taub and coproduced by Malala Yousafzai and Hillary Clinton, Suffs (the name that suffragists called themselves), is set in 1913 when support for the 19th Amendment is gaining traction. View the Suffs websiteto learn more about this amazing production. 



Great Resource About the ERA 

Shout out to Virtual Chapter member Kathy Telban who, as a part of ERA-OH, helped to create an excellent ERA flyer with a self-test and loads of resources as a part of their Women’s History Month initiatives. View that creation here. 

Are you ready to “Get Educated, Agitated, and Activated?” 

Discharge Petition Update 

Representative Rep. Thomas R. Suozzi [D-NY-3] added his signature to HJ Res 25 on March 22, so we now have 210 signatureson the discharge petition. Only 8 more are needed!Please continue to spread the word and encourage other representatives to sign.  

Are you curious to know which legislators have signed the discharge petition and which legislators we still need to encourage?  You can check this list to see who the current signatories are.  

Here’s some suggested verbiage when connecting with your representative about the Discharge Petition for HJ Res 25=>  

Suggested Verbiage for Discharge Petition Support 

Share this information with folks you know who are constituents of the representatives who have not yet signed. 


Don’t forget to use our digital advocacy platform to show your support for the ERA and Voting Rights while encouraging your MOC’s to do the same! You can complete these actions multiple times. Consider making it a weekly (or daily?????) habit. The more messages received, the more they listen…..and hopefully, take favorable action!

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