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2nd Vice President of Advocacy

1 Aug 2024 12:05 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Emily VanVleck
2nd Vice President of Advocacy, NFBPWC 2024-2026 

Dear BPW Sisters, 

It has been an immense pleasure serving on the Executive Committee for the past two years. While the role of Young BPW Chair certainly did not come without challenges, I am proud to have served and created some exciting initiatives in the process – like our period poverty project. I know Bryn Norrie will do an incredible job in the role, and I am happy to pass the torch to her.  

I couldn’t have asked for a better group with which to initiate my time serving on the National Executive Committee of this organization. I am so thankful to President 

Megan, Past President and Parliamentarian Extraordinaire Sandy, VP of Membership Kathy, and Secretary Sondra for their mentoring and guidance over the last two years. I owe special thanks and gratitude to VP of Advocacy Daneene both for inspiring me to grow in my advocacy journey and for building such a robust program to lead. I am excited to take on this role and honored that you have elected me as your Vice President of Advocacy for the 2024-2026 term.  

My journey with NFBPWC has always been centered around advocacy. I was first introduced to BPW when I applied to be the UN/Advocacy Intern for the New York City chapter in 2021. From there my interest in advocacy and public policy has grown. I have helped establish some of our most recent successful projects - namely the Afghan Women Project and the Period Poverty Initiative. 

As VP of Advocacy, my ambition is to strengthen the political power of NFBPWC and make us active players in political decisions. BPW president Millie Miles was present in 1963 when President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act - that is where I want to see this organization. I plan to get there by joining more coalitions on advocacy topics, forging relationships with elected officials and decision-makers, and expanding our use of One Click Politics to push for legislative change.  

Thank you for trusting me to serve as your Vice President of Advocacy. I look forward to working with our newly elected Executive Committee. I feel confident that we will continue the amazing work the leaders of this organization have paved before us.

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