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1 Aug 2024 12:15 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Nermin K. Ahmad
NFBPWC Secretary 2024-2026 

Dear Members of NFBPWC, 

Allow me to thank you for your confidence in me, and for having elected me as the organization’s Secretary on our Executive Committee.  I look forward to getting to know each one of you better and hope that you will welcome my emails as Secretary.  Never hesitate to reach out with comments, with questions, suggestions, ideas – and also areas for improvement.  As both a Business and as a Professional Woman, the one thing I know for certain is that there is always more to learn.  

Our overarching theme of Connecting Locally, Uniting Nationally, and Igniting Globally 

resonates deeply with me, speaking to the fiber of who I am, as a person.  It is also what brought me into this organization – I began as a UN Representative for BPW International, and then became Secretary for the NYC Club.  I led the Afghan Women Project, and now lead Women on the Move – because as women we are never just one woman, but we are the soul that keeps humanity connected and united, carefully nourishing the sparks that ignite change globally.  

But this has nothing to do with my new function as Secretary, in service to this organization.  To succeed, I request your patience, your support and your help. My duties are varied, but include: 

  • Maintaining the archive for the National Federation – which includes records of meetings (EC and Board), contracts, and original documents for the National Federation.  I am sure these will be provided to me, but if any are missing, I may reach out for help in finding them. 

  • Recording minutes for the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, General Assembly, and Biennial Conference, distributing the approved minutes as appropriate. 

  • Serving as liaison with the Webmaster as well as with the Bylaws/Resolutions Chair. 

  • Represent NFBPWC at various meetings and activities, as needed. 

  • Performing ad hoc and other duties assigned by the President and EC. 

For those of you who know me, you know that I believe deeply in empowerment.  My ask to you is simple: 

If you are interested in shadowing my position as Secretary for your benefit, to learn about what this position entails, and to include the experience on your resume, please reach out to me.  Over the next 24 months, I hope to work closely with a number of you in this capacity, so that by the next Biennial Conference we will have several candidates competing for this position, ready and able to pick up the work.  I am not seeking a mini-me, but seeking to ignite interest in this type of Board function. 

In line with our theme, once the summer holidays are over, I would like to have a zoom meeting of all NFBPWC Club and Affiliate Secretaries so that we can share ideas, improve collaboration, connect, unite and – yes – ignite our activities!  I look forward to hearing from you.

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