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2nd Vice President of Advocacy

2 Oct 2024 12:00 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Emily VanVleck
2nd Vice President of Advocacy, NFBPWC 2024-2026 

Hello my friends in advocacy! 

October is here, bringing my absolute favorite time of the year. I love watching the  leaves change and enjoying the crisper days. It’s the perfect time to cuddle up with a  good book, but October also brings a renewed energy around advocacy for women’s  health and rights. This month, we recognize key advocacy days, and tackle pressing  issues. 

Period Action Day (October 12) 

One of the most significant dates for us this month is Period Action Day, observed  annually on the second Saturday of October. This day shines a spotlight on the importance of menstrual  equity—an issue that affects millions of girls and women worldwide. Despite progress, period poverty  remains a global issue. Too many are forced to miss school or work due to lack of access to menstrual products,  and the stigma surrounding menstruation continues to be a barrier to education and opportunity. 

How You Can Take Action: 

Donate: Support organizations that provide free menstrual products to women and girls in need. You  can also take advantage of our Host Your Own Period Product Drive sheet to host a product drive in  your local chapter.  

Advocate for Legislation: Push for local and national governments to pass laws that provide free  menstrual products in schools, shelters, and prisons. Contact your representatives and ask them to  support bills that champion menstrual equity. We’ll have a one-pager going out with information  specific to your area soon! 

Raise Awareness: Use your voice on social media. Share facts and stories to help reduce the stigma  surrounding menstruation. Normalize the conversation around periods by engaging your community  and making it a topic that’s discussed openly and without shame. 

Domestic Violence Awareness Month 

October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This is a crucial time to reflect on the experiences of  survivors and renew our commitment to ending domestic violence. Advocacy for survivors involves not only  raising awareness but also ensuring that resources and support systems are available. 

How You Can Take Action: 

Volunteer: Many domestic violence shelters and hotlines are in need of volunteers. Whether you can  spare a few hours a week or month, your time could be life-saving for a survivor in need. 

Support Policy Changes: Advocate for stronger legal protections for survivors, including  comprehensive workplace protections, housing rights, and accessible mental health services. Reach out  to your local legislators to push for reforms that help survivors rebuild their lives. 

Participate in Local Events: Many communities host domestic violence awareness walks, vigils, or  educational forums throughout October. Attend, show your support, and learn more about what you  can do to help.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 

We cannot discuss October without highlighting Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This month brings  together advocates, survivors, and healthcare professionals to promote early detection, support research, and  emphasize the importance of access to affordable care. 

How You Can Take Action: 

Host a Screening Event: Partner with local healthcare providers to offer free or discounted breast cancer  screenings in your community. Early detection can save lives, and increasing access is critical. 

Promote Self-Exams and Awareness: Spread the word on social media about the importance of self exams and regular mammograms. Encourage women to be proactive about their health and remind them  that early detection is key. 

Support Research and Care Organizations: Whether it’s a donation or fundraising event, supporting  organizations that provide research funding and patient care is a tangible way to make a difference. 

As we navigate the advocacy landscape this month, it’s essential that we keep our momentum going  throughout the year. These advocacy days and months are more than just symbols—they are opportunities for  us to take concrete actions that have real-world impacts. 

We hope that you can join us at our next advocacy event on Thursday, October 17th at 8 PM EDT. Register at: 

As always, if you have exciting advocacy outreach to share, please let me know so we can highlight it here!  

Together, we are making a difference. Let's keep pushing for a world where every woman and girl can thrive,  free from barriers to their health, safety, and dignity. 

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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