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Immediate Past-President

1 Nov 2024 12:30 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Megan Shellman-Rickard NBPWC Immediate Past-President (2020-2024) 

Living the Biennial Theme Part III 

President Barbara Bozeman’s 2024-26 theme: “Connecting Locally. Uniting Nationally. Igniting Globally.” Continues as my inspiration for this month’s article. 

Igniting Globally 

The National Federation of Business and Professional  

Women’s Clubs (NFBPWC) was co-founded by Lena  

Madesin Phillips. In 1930 Ms. Phillips expanded her outreach as the founder of the  

International Federation of Business and Professional Women (IFBPW or BPW International). This year  members of IFBPW will be convening in St. Kitts for the 31st International Congress. NFBPWC will have a 

delegation representing our federation, which will include two past international presidents, Elizabeth  Benham (2008-2011) and Dr. Yasmin Darwich (2014-2017). 

Ms. Benham served as the IFBPW President from 2008-2011 and the NFBPWC President from 2013-2018.  Elizabeth (Liz) Benham has served BPW International since 2005 when she was elected as vice president and  as a permanent delegate to the United Nations for 20 years in New York from 1998 to 2018 where BPW  International has had consultative status for 77 years since 1947. Ms. Benham was the founder of the BPW  Manhattan Club 1998, now NFBPWC-NYC. In 2009 Reestablished EPW USA (NFBPWC) as a Federation of  IFBPW after uniting state federations BPW California, New York, Pacific Rim and associate clubs BPW Paso  Del Norte, TX and BPW La Grange, Chicago. Elizabeth Benham worked diligently to help us get our “B” back  and established our trademark, NFBPWC, in 2017. 

In her second term as President of NFBPWC, Ms. Benham hosted the 2018 National Conference in conjunction  with the IFBPW North America and Caribbean Regional Conference in Orlando, Florida as a prelude to the  2020 International Congress that was to be held in the same location. (This did not come to pass, unfortunately,  due to the global pandemic.) Her incredible efforts brought women from around the world to focus on the  theme, Leaning in and Leading: Building Bridges to Equality. Elizabeth stated that the goal was “to make delegates  [attending the conference] conscious of the fact that we need to take on the responsibilities of leadership on all  levels not only in our organization but in the communities, cities and countries where we live.” 

At both the national and international levels, Ms. Benham works assiduously to share her expertise, knowledge  about BPW, and connections in the business world in an effort to grow and improve our organization. Listing  the many accomplishments under Elizabeth Benham’s leadership would take much more than one article, as  she has put her heart and would into this organization, both professionally and personally. 

In its more figurative sense, ignite means to inspire intense feelings and participation. As we focus on the final  tenant of President Bozeman’s theme for the current term, Igniting Globally, we can be motivated by Past  International and National President Benham’s work to develop the potential of our organization at all levels.  Ms. Elizabeth Benham is a shining example of this term’s theme: “Connecting Locally. Uniting Nationally.  Igniting Globally.” NFBPWC is fortunate to have a member like “Liz” as someone to emulate as we continue to  work towards realizing our mission and goals as individuals and an organization. 

Please continue to reach out to me personally or professionally as we continue our work to make NFBPWC a  better organization, because together we are stronger. 

Best Personal Wishes, 

Megan Shellman-Rickard 

NBPWC Immediate Past-President (2020-2024)

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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