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1 Dec 2024 12:25 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

From Nermin K. Ahmad
NFBPWC Secretary 2024-2026

Landing in Saint Kitts brought back memories of the January 2023 North America and the Caribbean Regional Conference hosted here. Already on the flight from NYC it was clear that many of my fellow passengers were women from all over the world converging on Saint Kitts – a privilege to recognize faces too long only seen on zoom!

The hotel was humming with the voices of our dynamic colleagues here from so many countries, some without their luggage, all maximizing their access to the breeze running through the hotel lobby. With the few aircraft coming in, very quickly we were pressing for credentials, seeking conference documents. Collecting mine the

next morning, I was very appreciative of the behind the scenes help from the back office – sisters who paid to attend the conference who volunteered to be present to make the conference run smoothly and respond to our many questions and concerns raised in a host of languages.

We began with our North America and the Caribbean regional meeting. We were warmly welcomed by Dawne Williams as one of her last actions as our amazing Regional Coordinator. While a first-time attendee, I was unfortunately unable to attend the special introductory sessions established for 1st time attendees – but heard great feedback.

The Pre-Congress International Board Meeting - for Delegates - only took the whole afternoon, after a lovely and filling lunch in one of the hotel restaurants. This was a long meeting, with concerns raised about various agenda items, addressed in our President’s report.

That evening, I was able to head back to the Coconut Grove, well remembered from my last trip here, and say hi! to Julian, who remembered me, and was happy to finish his slow month with the onslaught of attendees willing to venture away from the hotel. We made a difference to his local business!

What is striking about our meetings is the range and variety of dress, the multitude of languages – delegates from 72 countries attended. The opening ceremony was solemn, with Governor General Her Excellency Marcella Liburd gracing us with her presence, and the Honorable Minister for Social Development and Gender Affairs, Your Empowerment, Ageing and Disabilities urging us to deliberate well, and of course the Deputy Prime Minister thanking us for gracing his country with our trust. The end of the first day was late, the day had been long, there had been a mixture of heat and rain, but the warm humidity contrasted well with the air conditioned rooms.

Monday was the start of business. The USA delegation was all in white, with our We Can Do It lunchboxes placed before us. These drew so much attention from delegates, photographers and others, and became a recognized message during Congress. Likewise, our decision to wear White on Day 1, Blue on Day 2 and Red on Day 3 was recognized and well received by attendees. Clearly USA was in the room, and ready to speak under the leadership of President Bozeman. I think few people will ever forget her calm: This is Barbara Bozeman, President USA – as she placed well thought through points of clarification at the mike.Other highlights were of course the reception at the Governor General’s Mansion, as well as the Gala Dinner (the only evening events I attended). The reception was not just good food, with drink and dancing, but also entertainment by local musicians, a DJ and dancers. An enormous Conga line united us, and large groups of women cemented collaboration with line dancing. The Gala dinner was memorable for the food, and Sher Singh and I were the first to take on the dance floor here.

Several countries (Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, and Egypt to name a few) brought women made items to sell, and we all exchanged buttons and gifts, as well as promises to work together. It was truly an extraordinary gathering of women with a desire to celebrate women’s achievements and I was proud to be a delegate.

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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