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The NFBPWC Hear From Our Leaders

Welcome to the NFBPWC Hear From Our Leaders! This page is dedicated to detailed information from our leaders at NFBPWC. This blog area aims to keep you up to date on the changes going on in the world of women, help advance your career, improve your life, and help you positively impact this great organization.

  • 2 Jan 2024 12:00 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Kathy Kelly
    1st Vice President of Membership, NFBPWC (2021-2024)

    A white and gold numbers with confetti and pine branches Description automatically generated

    The Membership Committee wishes each of our BPW Sisters a Happy 2024! We have some big plans for this year!



    Elizabeth Herrell



    Jacqueline Petrick-Lee



    Janice Freel



    Pamela Richards

    US Virgin Islands (!!!)


    Kim Collier

    South Carolina - Student


    Beth Gibson Lilja

    Virtual – Minnesota

    Next, get ready for our BIG membership drive:A colorful text with stars and stars Description automatically generated

    Double or More in 24

    with a chance to win fabulous prizes with every new member you bring in before the National Convention next summer. More details to follow in February.

    The National Membership Committee usually meets on the first and third Mondays of each month, holidays excluded. In January, we plan to meet on January 8th only. Join us to learn more about the tools and events NFBPWC offers that can support your club to "Double or More by'24"

    Contact Kathy Kelly, vpmembership@nfbpwc.orgfor more information.

    And finally…A screen shot of a phone Description automatically generated

    What is CSW? And what the heck are all these acronyms???

    Join us on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, for an informative program to learn more about BPW’s Consultative Status at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

    We’ll discuss the agenda (Side Events vs. Parallel Events, SDGs, Priority Theme and Review Theme), BPW-sponsored events, Leadership Summit, Gala Dinner and other social activities like Broadway shows and dinners out. I call CSW my “Global Slumber Party” as we expect over 100 BPW sisters to join us from around the world. We’ll share best practices for how to get there,

    what to wear and where to stay. We’ll leave plenty of time for Q&A. We hope to address all your questions and concerns so that you will join us March 11-22, 2024, in New York City!

    Register at:

  • 1 Jan 2024 11:45 PM | Megan Shellman-Rickard (Administrator)

    Let’s Do More Together in 2024!

     The New Year is a great time to celebrate our membership in this amazing organization by cultivating connections and creating community in 2024!  We know that collectively; our influence is stronger. We can empower each other by creating new opportunities for networking, burgeoning friendships, and collaborations.

    There is a humble sense of accomplishment and immense gratitude to our members for what we have done as an organization in 2023. We have created an organization where women from all walks of life network to make a difference in gender equity while we continue to support each other as we continue the fight. Our committees and taskforces have facilitated achievements of success and recognition. We are indebted to each other for the many volunteer hours that have made a true difference for women. Thank you to every member for your commitment and invaluable contributions. I’m deeply grateful to all of you for making NFBPWC a membership organization that truly can move the needle for women and women’s issues.

    We leave 2023 with sadness as we mourn the loss of BPW members who graced our organization with their presence and inspiring leadership. Let us all take a moment to remember those who walked these proverbial halls before us and ensure that their legacy carries through for another 100 years!

    We continue to create programming for our members and guests that increases our propensity for connection and our ability to empower women. In 2024 NFBPWC will have its Biennial Conference in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania from July 18-21, 2024 with the theme: “Equaliy Has No Deadline!” (  BPW International will hold their triennial Congress in Mar del Plato, Argentina from November 17-21, 2024 with the theme: “New Actions through Cooperation.” ( There is more to come this year and we cannot wait to share our community with our current and future members!

    I look forward to celebrating and honoring one another, as each member brings their own gifts to the conversation.  The women of today need to hear us. The women of tomorrow want to see us standing strong against misogyny, racism, violence, and injustice. We have the power to make a difference as we continue to honor our interconnectedness as humans, more specifically as women.

    NFBPWC will continue to light a path for our future that promotes justice, solidarity, diversity, inclusion, innovation, and celebration in 2024. Sending personal wishes of celebration, health, and progress around the globe!

  • 2 Dec 2023 12:30 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Sandra Thompson
    NFBPWC’s Immediate Past President 

    I would just like to take this time to wish all of you a very happy and healthy holiday season.  I hope that you enjoy it with family and friends.  Below is a poem that I found that my mother had sent out to friends and family many years ago.  I wanted to share it with you.


    There is a list of folks I know

    All written in a row

    And every year at holiday time

    I go and take a look

    And that is when I realize that

    These names are a part

    Not of the book they’re written in

    But of my very heart.

    For each name stands for someone

    Who has touched my life sometime,

    And in that meeting they’ve become

    The rhythm of the rhyme.

    I really feel I am composed

    Of each remembered name.

    And while you may not be aware

    Of feeling quite the same

    My life is so much better

    Than it was before you came.

    For once that you have know someone

    The years cannot erase

    The memory of a pleasant work

    Or of a friendly face.

    So never think my holiday cards

    Are just a mere routine

    Of names upon a list,

    Forgotten in between.

    For when I send a holiday card

    That is addressed to you

    It’s because you’re on that list

    Of folks I’m indebted to.

    And whether I’ve known you

    For many years or few.

    In some way you have had a part

    In shaping things I do.

    So every year when the holidays come

    I just realize anew

    The biggest gift that God can give

    Is knowing folks like you.

  • 2 Dec 2023 12:20 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Sondra Nunez
    NFBPWC Secretary 2022-2024

    To my NFBPWC sisters near and far, Happy Holidays! Yes, I specifically wrote Happy Holidays because I often hear and see conflict, drama and offense surrounding this one simple phrase. Many argue in December, it’s Merry Christmas and nothing else. But to some it is Happy Hanukkah, Happy Boxing Day, Happy Kwanzaa, or any number of other phrases that significantly represent the true meaning of the season in ways personal to each person. 

    For me, December with all its many holidays and personal traditions, represents a time of joy, reflection, and renewal. 

    Joy: I count it a joy I am able to give to others. I count it a joy seeing the faces of those big and small light up as they share holiday traditions with those they love. I count it a joy to spend time preparing gifts for those who need a little bit of help this year. I count it a joy spending time in celebration with friends and family.

    Reflection: For me, the holidays, especially the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, is when I spend the most time reflecting on every life blessing and how I might be able to share what has been given to me with others. I reflect on those who are suffering, on those who are battling illness, or the loss of loved ones and I pray they will find peace. There is reflection of the accomplishments and challenges of the year and how I might do better, be better in the future.

    Renewal: In many ways the month of December represents renewal to me. It is the signal of the end of one year and the beginning of the next. It is a time to allow myself to let go of offenses and to ask for forgiveness for those I might have wronged. For me, December offers the opportunity to show up for others in the best way possible and offers a glimpse of the person I want to become. 

    No matter how you celebrate this time of year, whether this year was difficult, successful or a combination of both and more, I pray you and your loved ones will be blessed with joy, peace, and love. No matter the holiday you are celebrating, I wish you continued and lasting happiness.

  • 2 Dec 2023 12:05 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Daneene Monroe Rusnak
    2nd Vice President of Advocacy, NFBPWC 2020-2024


    Take Action on the ERA! Equality Has No Deadline!

    ****One Click Politics landing page for NFBPWC****

    ERA Action on NFBPWC Website

    Link to ERA virtual backdrop for download:   Equality Has No Deadline Virtual Backdrop

  • 2 Dec 2023 12:00 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Kathy Kelly
    1st Vice President of Membership, NFBPWC (2021-2024)

    HAPPYHOLIDAYS from the Membership Committee! 

    A group of people dancing Description automatically generated



    Kimberly Miller 

    Colorado NW Metro Student

    Alexis Haskins 

    Colorado Denver Student

    Nicole Mora

    Colorado Virtual Student

    Henrietta M. McElwee,D.C.


    Kate Earnest


    Zennie Dizon 

    California El Monte


    Ladorian Morris

    Student - New York

    A colorful text with stars and stars Description automatically generatedGet ready for next year’s membership push, “Double or More in ’24” with a chance to win fabulous prizes with every new member you bring in before National Convention next summer.  More details to come in January!

    The National Membership Committee meets on the first and third Mondays of each month, holidays excluded.  Join us when you can to learn more about the tools and events that we offer that can support your Affiliate to “Double or More by ’24!”

    Contact Kathy Kelly at for more information.

    What is CSW?  And what the heck are all these acronyms??? A screen shot of a phone Description automatically generated

    Join us on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, for an informative program to learn more about NFBPWC’s participation at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.  

    We’ll discuss the programs (Side Events vs. Parallel Events), BPW- sponsored programs, Leadership Summit, Gala Event and other social events like Broadway shows and dinners out that will be on the agenda.  We’ll share best practices for how to get there, what to wear and where to stay.  We’ll have plenty of time for a Q&A.  We hope to address all your questions and concerns so that you will join us March 11-22, 2024, in New York City!

  • 1 Dec 2023 7:14 PM | Megan Shellman-Rickard (Administrator)

    A Prayer for a Peaceful Winter Solstice

    As we enter the darkest time of the year, the winter solstice, we can find light in our connections at NFBPWC. We are fortunate to have such inspirational members working to accomplish our goals as we continue to educate, unite, and advocate for women. It is an honor to be connected to such a diverse community of women at various stages of their careers and from different backgrounds, each with her own unique story about being a business and professional woman in the United States of America.

    Our network is further broadened through the International Federation of Business and Professional Women (IFBPW) which includes members in over 100 countries in 5 continents. BPW UK, through a registered IFBPW project:, recently sponsored a “Van for Chernihiv – BPW Help for Ukraine.” NFBPWC members across the USA donated over $1,000 in support of this project. BPW UK President, Jo Kinsey, sent us her thanks for our assistance with this project and stated:

    “The help you have sent will let those women [in Chernihiv, Ukraine] know they are not forgotten; they are valued by all of us.”

    Unfortunately, this is not the only region of the world that is being affected by the tragedy of violence and war. The loss of human life, and the loss of humanity itself, around the world is heartbreaking.  Women often act as advocates of peace in times of strife and uncertainty while bearing the consequences of violence; this time is no exception. As a non-partisan and secular membership organization, we aim to communicate our solidarity with all women by offering them a hand in friendship and support through even the most harrowing of times. In the USA, many of us will comfortably celebrate with our friends, family, and community in December. Despite being secular myself, I would like to take a moment to invite you to pray for peace on Earth. To that end, I would like to share the “Collect” written by Mary Stewart in 1904, in hopes that it helps guide us all to be the better version of ourselves as this year ends and the new one begins.

    Keep us, Oh God, from pettiness;
    Let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.

    Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking.

    May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self-pity and without prejudice.

    May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.

    Let us take time for all things;
    Make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.

    Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight-forward and unafraid.

    Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one.

    And may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all, and, oh, Lord God, let us forget not to be kind!

    ~ Mary Stewart, 1904 (adopted by NFBPWC in 1920)

    Let’s continue to celebrate and honor one another, as each member brings their own gifts to the conversation.  The women of today need to hear us. The women of tomorrow want to see us standing strong against war, misogyny, racism, violence, and injustice. We have the power to make a difference as we continue to honor our interconnectedness as humans, more specifically as women.

    NFBPWC will continue to light a path for our future that promotes justice, solidarity, diversity, inclusion, innovation, and more in 2024. Sending personal wishes of celebration, health, and peace around the globe.

  • 2 Nov 2023 12:45 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By:  Sandra Thompson
    NFBPWC’s Immediate Past President

    Some of you may have noticed that we have a phone number on our website. That phone number is my home number. As a result, from time to time I receive phone calls from various people. Many of them have to do with them finding some BPW memorabilia that belonged to their mother, aunt, or grandmother. Fortunately, they do not want to just throw it out and contact me looking for some place to send it.A few months ago, I received a call from one such person. She had a collection of the old National BPW magazines. She told me she would go through everything and send me what they did not want. It had been a while since we talked, and I was surprised when my doorbell rang and there was a large box on my doorstep.

    I have not had time to really go through it, but I decided to pick one out at random and share some of it with you.

    The issue I selected is from July-August 1972. The magazine was called National Business Woman and was 18 pages long. It was the annual review of the last year.

    One of the items highlighted in the magazine was that the Equal Rights Amendment was passed by the Congress in 1972. Michigan became the 18 state to ratify it. They were encouraging members to work toward that ratification. It is unfortunate that 51 years later we are still trying to get the ERA as an amendment to the constitution. There was so much hope in their article.

    Here is part of the outgoing President’s message.

    “And a marvelous addition you have written on the Scroll of Achievement this past year!

    Not only did the Equal Rights Amendment pass overwhelmingly in the United State Congress, but exactly half of the states required to ratify have already done so. At the time of this writing, only two have actually rejected ratification.

    Programming has been in the areas “where it’s at!” Over and over the reports of programs show that clubs and states are grappling with the real problems of our communities which affect all peoples, and the problems that concern women.

    Of course, we have made mistakes, and of course we have not accomplished everything we hoped to do. The only person making no mistakes are dead and the only ones who accomplish everything they hoped to set their goals too low!

    This past year was built on the efforts of every prior year, the work of every prior member, the plans and goals of every past administration. We have added one more to the foundation. But we must keep the same attitude of the lad who was asked one day, “Son, who made your?” And the lad replies, “I ain’t finished yet!”

    With the “Objectives in Action” as our program, the ratification of ERA to be completed, with true equality under the law and true equal economic opportunity for all citizens yet to be attained, and with our Collect to be lived, we can know for a truth, as “The Golden Key” so aptly puts it, “Our God is Love, and Love brings work; there’s love and work for all.”

    On the evening of July 27th I will be privileged to call Jeanne C. Squire “Madam President”. I join you in my rededication to the things this Federation stands for, and I join you in saying to her, and to the others who serve with her in leadership this year, “As a member, I will do my best. Count on me.”

    Osta Underwood, President”

  • 2 Nov 2023 12:25 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By: Sondra Nunez
    NFBPWC Secretary 2022-2024

    Love cannot remain by itself — it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service. Mother Teresa

    As the world continues to find   more and more reasons to spread violence and hate, I am reminded we can choose love, we can choose compassion. Thank you members of NFBPWC for your continued willingness to open your hearts and minds to the needs of others. It is a privilege to be one of you.

  • 2 Nov 2023 12:10 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

    By:   Daneene Monroe Rusnak
    2nd Vice President of Advocacy, NFBPWC 2020-2024

    Priority on the ERA!

    On Saturday, October 21st, I had the pleasure of joining the California BPW affiliate’s Fall Board Meeting as part of an ERA Panel put together by Immediate Past President and California BPW member, Sandy Thompson. Many thanks to fellow panel members, Pattie Rayl, Nancy Werner, and Linda Wilson for their informative and inspiring contributions.

    Emphasizing the importance of the ERA is nothing new for NFBPWC members and friends but I think we can all agree that there has been a greater focus on crossing the finish line recently. Likeminded organizations are concentrating efforts and these groups are

    encouraging the ERA’s official inclusion in the Constitution in a variety of ways. Below are some helpful links and resources for you to use and share because…..

    Equality Has No Deadline!

    Take Action on the ERA! Equality Has No Deadline!

    ****One Click Politics landing page for NFBPWC****ERA Action on NFBPWC Website

    Link to ERA virtual backdrop for download: Equality Has No Deadline Virtual Backdrop

    • Increase support for the Discharge Petition:

    • House/Senate - H.J. Res. 82/S.J. Res 39 - ERA Now expresses the ERA has been validly ratified and is enforceable as the 28th Amendment and calls on the Archivist to certify and publish without delay

    All the best,


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