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LGBTQ+ Team Report

2 Dec 2023 12:10 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Susan Oser
NFBPWC Advocacy Team LGBTQIA+ Lead

Organization of the Month: LGBT Foundation

Why highlight?

The LGBT Foundations is a national charity for LGBTQ+ health, wellness and serve as a lifeline for those in need.  Their mission is to empower LGBTQ+ people to realize their full potential every day.  Their vision is the belief that queer liberation enables meaningful and lasting change.  

Based out of Manchester, England, the website has a lot of information that can also be of value for those stateside and perhaps create or enhance programs in local communities.  It’s a also a great way to see how another country takes care of the community.


FYI Positive LGBTQ+ for December:

  • Former headquarters of lesbian feminist group under consideration for National Historic Landmark designation.   A rowhouse on Capitol Hill served as the headquarters for the Furies Collective, a lesbian feminist group, in the 1970’s. The National Park System’s National Historic Landmarks Committee is scheduled to discuss and make a recommendation on the Furies Collective house designation at a Nov. 16th virtual meeting.

  • Dolly Parton expresses support for trans community in interview. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Parton said, “I just want everybody to be treated good” when asked about Tennessee's anti-trans laws. She went on to say that trans people are God’s children like everyone else and she loves the trans people in her life.

  • What To Watch For When Invited To A Documentary On "Trans Issues"  The uptick in anti-trans documentaries is inadvertently ensnaring trans people and supporters. Here's how to stay vigilant and not be tricked into appearing in a right-wing documentary.

The following is an overview of or ALL LGBTQ+ legislation in the news:

  • Anti-trans platforms lose elections -   Tuesday’s elections in Kentucky, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania showed the limits of anti-trans messaging.

Families ask SCOTUS to review Appeals Court ruling allowing enforcement of medically necessary care ban in Kentucky.  The families are represented by the ACLU of Kentucky, NCLR and two law firms.

If you have any news or leads on anything related to LGBTQ+ news, issues, and organizations, please contact Sue Oser at

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

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