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Bylaws & Resolutions Report

1 Apr 2024 12:25 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Trudy Waldroop, Bylaws & Resolutions Chair, NFBPWC 2022-2024 (Email:  

B Y L A W S Part 3 

What is the difference between bylaws amendments and a bylaws revision? 


Amendments are the changes made to words or sentences, or entire paragraphs, sections or an Article in your organization’s bylaws. 

There is a separate Article in every organization’s bylaws titled Amendments.  In it are the procedures to propose a bylaws change, who can propose a change, at what meeting they will be voted upon, how many days before they are to be voted upon, to whom the proposed change goes to, and that every member must directly receive a copy of the proposed change along with the rationale. 


A revision is a major change in bylaws.  Preparation of a proposed revision is ordered by an organization when the amendments needed are so extensive that they warrant redo of a major portion of, or all of, the bylaws.  Consideration of the committee’s proposed revision requires the same notice that amendments do.  Everything in the proposed revision is subject to amendment by the assembly.  The amended proposal, if adopted, replaces the “old” bylaws. 

Bylaw amendments can be found in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised sec 57, page 560. 


Deadline to submit proposed amendment/s to the NF Bylaws is May 20, 2024  

Also amendments to the Policy and Procedures Manual are due by May 20, 2024.  

Send to the Bylaws Chair Trudy Waldroop at (

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

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