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Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Report

1 Apr 2024 12:45 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Sher Singh, NFBPWC’s JDEI Chair,  

This Report covers all that this committee has done so far. The JDEI committee has met every month in 2023 with two workshops. We have had meeting and presentations in 2024 also listed below: 

  • February 2, 2023, Resilience: Conflict Resolution, Financial & Security in Life.  

  • Then we began the series of presentations using the acronym JDEI one letter at a time. We did - JUSTICE: Violence Against Women – Under the Light of Justice. 

  • August 28, 2023, we did – Looking at the D in Diversity – The Pillars of Diversity. 

  • January 11, 2024, Equity for Women in the Workplace. 

  • February 2, 2024, we did a workshop on Grief – No Time Limit – Stages are Phases of Acceptance and Hope. 

  • May 9, 2024, we plan to present our final letter in the acronym Inclusion - (to be named) 

  • June 4, 2024, will be our JDEI final presentation – A celebration of Committees. 

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