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Rapid Response Committee Report

3 Jun 2024 12:55 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Susan E. Oser

NFBPWC Rapid Response Committee Chair 

Issues that will need your attention and need to be addressed. – Reproductive Rights 

As Rapid Response chair, it is my job to keep my ear to the ground and eyes to the screen or otherwise on issues that I feel should not only be an issue for us personally, but also for your locals to discuss or have a special educational presentation on.   

This month, it’s about Reproductive Rights. 

Since the repeal of Roe vs. Wade, many states have put laws into place ranging from outright abortion bans to bans on IVF.  Below are some stories to give you an example: 

As these example articles show, women need support and protection more than ever.  It’s not just about having a baby, but what is best for a woman to do what she needs to with her body.  If you have a story, please tell it.  

The more you tell your story and share your experience the better. 

So, what can you do to make sure reproductive rights can be protected for all?? 

  1. Get involved and sit in on meetings or webinars as time allows. 

  2. Volunteer for organizations that educate about reproductive rights. 

  3. Write to your representative and senator (state and nationally) 

  4. Write a letter to the editor. 

  5. Post and share any information you come across on your social media platforms. 

  6. Host presentations and webinars in your local/affiliate BPW clubs. 

Please connect with Sue Oser at if you have any ideas on topics that should be focused on and discussed as we get into the big election cycle or you feel have not been addressed in this article.  In future articles, I’ll be focusing on each of these (and any others suggested by you) for a better understanding and education of the issues. 

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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