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Nominations Report

4 Jun 2024 1:25 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Manjul Batra
NFBPWC’s Nominations Chair 

Call for NFBPWC Nominations 

Is NFBPWC Leadership in Your Future? 

The 2024 NFBPWC Biennial Conference, July 18-21, 2024, King of Prussia, PA is fast approaching. One of the most exciting things to happen at the Biennial General Assembly, is the election of National Officers for the 20242026!  Nomination documents for elected offices are due in 30 days on June 15, 2024!An Election Committee will be created and any interested parties not running for an elected office, please contact Nominations Chair, Manul Batra, at We look forward to welcoming all nominees at our Biennial Conference in July!  

Please click on the link below to fill out the Nominations Document and email it to to be eligible to run for an elected office: 

Nomination Documents GA 2024.docx 

Additional information about Nominations and Elections for National Officers, 2024-2026 

(From NFBPWC Bylaws Aug 2022) 

The election of President, First Vice-President Membership, Second Vice-President Advocacy, Treasurer, Secretary, Young BPW Representative and Nominations Chairperson shall take place at the General Assembly and Biennial Conference.  (Article XI, Section 1) 

Officers shall be elected for a term of two years and will assume office at the close of the General Assembly and Biennial Conference.  (Article XI, Section 2) President shall: 

  1. Be the Chief Executive Officer and spokesperson of The National Federation.  

  2. Serve on the BPW International Board of Directors. 

  3. Preside at the meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, General Membership, and Biennial General Assembly Conference. 

  4. Appoint a Parliamentarian, the Standing Committee Chairpersons, Special Committee Chairpersons and Task Forces subject to ratification by the Executive Committee. 

  5. Be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominations Committee.  

First Vice-president Membership shall: 

  1. Perform the duties of the President in her absence.  

  2. Chairs the Membership Standing Committee and liaises with the Nominations Chair, Small Business Chair, and the Mentoring Taskforce.  

  3. Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.  

Second Vice-president Advocacy shall: 

  1. Chair the Advocacy Standing Committee and liaises with the United Nations Chair, and the Elimination of Sexual Harassment Chair Chairperson(s).  

  2. Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.  

Treasurer shall: 

  1. Be the Chief Financial Officer of The National Federation.  

  2. Collect membership dues from the State Federations and Affiliate Chapter/clubs as indicated in their December 31st report and forward the Regional dues and International dues as required. Similarly, collect and process dues from the Individual Affiliate Members.  

  3. Be the custodian of the National Federation funds, maintain bank accounts and disburse payment for approved expenses within 15 days of receipt. 

  4. Provide financial reports at the National Federation Board of Directors’ meetings and year-end financial reports to the membership.  

  5. Maintain The Federation membership database. 

  6. Prepare and file state, federal and other fiduciary reports.  

  7. Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee.  

Secretary shall: 

  1. Maintain the archives of The National Federation including records, contracts, and original documents of The National Federation.  

  2. Record the minutes of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, General Assembly and Biennial Conference and distribute them for approval.  

  3. Serve as liaison to the Webmaster and the Bylaws/Resolutions Chair.  

  4. Perform other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Committee (Article XII, Sections 1-5) 

Young BPW: 

A. Engage and work with other Young BPW members and represent their interests while working with the Executive Committee.  (Bylaws not updated to reflect duties of this office.) 

In order to be eligible to run for office a candidate (with the exception of Young BPW) must have served The National Federation in an elected or appointed capacity on a national, state, or affiliate chapter/club level for one year prior to the election. (Article X, Section 7). 

Please send questions to Nominations Chair, Manjul Batra, at  

Feel free to email any current officer, listed below, to get more information on what they think about their years in service as an NFBPWC Executive Committee member. 

Megan Shellman-Rickard, President 

Kathy Kelly, VP Membership 

Daneene Monroe-Rusnak 

Sondra Nunez, Secretary 

Emily VanVleck, Young BPW 

Sandra Thompson, Immediate Past President 

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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