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Immediate Past President Report

1 Jul 2024 12:40 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Sandra Thompson
NFBPWC’s Immediate Past President  

This is my swan song article.  As my time on the NFBPWC Executive Committee comes to a close, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each of you.  Serving on this EC over the past ten (10) years has been a profoundly rewarding experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been part of such an extraordinary teams. 

I am deeply appreciative of the support, camaraderie, and collaboration that have characterized our work together.  The insights, expertise, and diverse perspectives each of you brought to the table have been invaluable.  I have learned so much from you all, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have 

worked alongside such a talented and committed group of individuals. 

As I step down from the EC, I am confident that NFBPWC will continue to thrive and achieve great things under your capable leadership.  I look forward to staying connected and supporting the organization in any way I can. 

Thank you once again for the privilege of serving on the NFBPWC EC.  I cherish the memories we have created and the impact we have made together. 

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