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Rapid Response Committee Report

1 Jul 2024 1:00 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Susan E. Oser
NFBPWC Rapid Response Committee Chair 

Before continuing to this month’s article, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading my articles and supporting me as the Rapid Response Chair for the second half of this term.  While it has been a challenge, I have learned a lot.  Hopefully, in the new term after the July Assembly (as of this writing) we can have a new chair with clearer rules in place to help make it easier to perform in this position. 

Issues that will need your attention and need to be addressed. – LGBTQ+ issues – Transgender Rights 

As Rapid Response chair, it is my job to keep my ear to the ground and eyes to the screen or otherwise on issues that I feel should not only be an issue for us personally but also for your locals to discuss or have a special educational presentation on.   

This month, it’s about LGBTQ+ issues particularly, transgender issues. 

The reason this needs to be its because a lot of conservative lawmakers in conservative cities, towns and especially states are creating laws and rules to ban transgender folks from participating in sports, getting gender affirming surgery (especially in teenagers) and bathroom bills.  One of the reasons this is happening, as with the other important political issues mentioned in this section is because it seems as if these laws were put in place to make a dare to take the law to the Supreme Court so that (hopefully in their eyes) it can be ruled to be a “states rights” issue so specific human rights can be stripped away by these governments.    

Here are a few examples to highlight what’s going on: 

Along with being Rapid Response chair, I have also been the LGBTQ+ liaison and sharing information about various aspects of the community.  (Please refer to this month’s article in that section).  I am also currently a facilitator for a local support group called Scrambled Eggs, which is a Transgender/Trans Ally group that gets together once a week sharing personal stories, answering questions or more.  Through these activities, I have learned a lot more about the issues than ever before and learned a lot about myself too.   

Hopefully with some sources below and the call to action, you can be inspired to do the same and be a strong ally for your family, friends, and greater community. 


So, what can you do to make sure reproductive rights can be protected for all?? 

  1. Educate yourself and others about LGBTQ+ issues and share this knowledge. 

  2. Volunteer for organizations that educate about LGBTQ+ rights such as PFLAG, The Trevor Project, and local organizations in your cities and states.  Also join ally trainings. 

  3. Let the community know you are an ally by creating a safe space of support. 

  4. Write to your representative and senator (state and nationally) 

  5. Write a letter to the editor concerning your opinions about ant-transgender legislation and other LGBTQ+ issues of importance. 

  6. Post and share any information you come across on your social media platforms. 

  7. Host presentations and webinars in your local/affiliate BPW clubs educating the public about the community for being better allies. 

Please connect with Sue Oser at or the new chair when appointed after General Assembly for your thoughts, opinions, etc. and how the Rapid Response chair can do better.

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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