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Meet the Game Changer from Thailand: Chularat (Toyting) Israngkool Na Ayutthaya

24 Sep 2024 3:03 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

 By: Chularat (Toyting) Israngkool Na Ayutthaya 

Meet the Game Changer from Thailand: Chularat (Toyting) Israngkool Na Ayutthaya 

Note: After three (3) years as IFBPW 1st Vice President UN (IFBPW 2021-2024), Chularat (best known as Toyting) is not running for any position, and thus can be celebrated for her work, that of her club, and the clubs in her region.

Toyting is a member of The Federation of Business and Professional Women's Associations of Thailand Under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. The President of BPW Thailand is Khunying Natthika Wattanavekin Angubolkul.

In her own words: Throughout my time with IFBPW, I have had the privilege of being mentored by Dr. Chonchanok Viravan, fondly known as Dr. Nok, who served as BPWI's international president from 2005 to 2008. Her wisdom and guidance have been invaluable, and her words resonate deeply with me: "BPW is volunteer work, but once you commit, you have to do your best as a first priority because you are doing it for a better life for women and girls." This philosophy has driven my commitment to the organization and the communities we serve.

My journey with IFBPW has been deeply fulfilling, culminating in my becoming one of the UN representatives for IFBPW at UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) in Bangkok, Thailand. As a UN representative for many years, I engaged with vital issues affecting women and girls across the region, advocating for policies that promote their rights and well-being.

In 2021, amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, I was honored to be elected virtually as the 1st Vice President for UN matters and Chair of the UN Standing Committee. This milestone not only marked a significant step in my leadership journey but also solidified my dedication to empowering women and girls globally. I have worked tirelessly to ensure that our initiatives address the pressing needs of women in various sectors, including education, health, and economic development.

As we move forward, I remain committed to fostering collaboration among BPW affiliates and strengthening our voice at the UN. Together, we can create a more equitable and just world for all women and girls, ensuring that their rights are upheld and their voices heard. I look forward to continuing this important work and making a meaningful impact on the lives of those we serve.

The Role of IFBPW VP UN

The VP UN collaborates with UN representatives, the UN Standing Committee, various NGOs, and UN agencies, including member states.

IFBPW was among the first groups of NGOs to gain consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 1947. This achievement was facilitated through the foresight of Esther Hymer (1898–2001), then the BPW International UN representative in New York who attended the founding of the United Nations.

Today IFBPW has 28 UN representatives located at various UN offices around the world, including New York, Geneva, Vienna, Paris, Bangkok, Rome (at UN HQ NYC, UN HQ Geneva, UN ESCAP, FAO, and more). Additionally, there are nineteen members of the IFBPW UN Standing Committee divided into four groups focused on education and advocacy, CSW, Human Rights, and CEDAW. They work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that our goals are included in the work of the UN.

The main representatives, along with all IFBPW UN representatives, report to the VP UN at the end of each year to prepare the quadrennial report (every four years) that is submitted to ECOSOC in collaboration with UN standing committees. They also prepare written and oral annual statements for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). These reflect input from the committees, executive regions, projects, and experts who select aspects of the UNCSW theme relevant to our current activities and observations. More information is available at:  BPW International & United Nations - BPW International

The Asia and Pacific region 

Home to twenty-seven national BPW affiliates, this region is coordinated by Dr. Narudee Kiengsiri, and is a vibrant network engaged in a variety of activities aimed at empowering women and promoting gender equality. We maintain strong connections with our members through a dedicated WhatsApp group, allowing for real-time updates, discussions, and collaboration on initiatives across the region.

Dr. Narudee's insightful report highlights our achievements and ongoing projects, and includes pictures showcasing our events and the dedication of our members.  

BPW Thailand Activities

On the auspicious occasion of Her Majesty the Queen Mother of Thailand's 90th birthday on August 12, BPW Thailand proudly launched an initiative dedicated to honoring and expanding upon Her Majesty's royal aspirations, focused on preserving and developing the invaluable cultural heritage and wisdom surrounding hand-woven Thai silk. Together, we honor Her Majesty’s legacy while fostering a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

Our primary goal is to promote the widespread use of Thai fabrics, not only to celebrate our rich cultural traditions but also generates income for local communities. In encouraging the use of Thai silk in daily life and for special occasions, we aim to stimulate the local economy sustainably across all regions of Thailand. In support, we invited our members and the wider community to share pictures of themselves wearing Thai silk, thereby raising awareness and appreciation for our unique textiles while showcasing their beauty and versatility further increasing demand. 

Critically, our initiative increases the income of women in rural areas who produce hand-woven silk. By providing training and resources, we empower rural women to enhance their skills and create high-quality products sold locally and internationally, contributing to the overall economic development of their communities.

BPW Thailand Fundraising

BPW Thailand recently organized a remarkable gala dinner attended by Their Majesties the King and Queen, who graciously presided over the event. This prestigious occasion brought together members of the community, dignitaries, and supporters dedicated to fostering growth and development within our nation. The proceeds were allocated towards the construction of a Dragon Gate in Bangkok. This stunning architectural feature not only serves as a captivating photo opportunity for tourists but also enhances the cultural landscape of the city. By creating a landmark that embodies the rich traditions of Thailand, our aims are to boost tourism, attract domestic and international visitors, and generate additional revenue for local businesses.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the Dragon Gate project represents a broader vision of sustainable development. By investing in this initiative, we contribute to the economic revitalization of the area and provide new opportunities for local artisans, vendors, and service providers. The anticipated increase in foot traffic will benefit surrounding businesses, fostering a vibrant community atmosphere.

As we move forward, BPW Thailand remains committed to empowering women and enhancing the quality of life for all citizens. We believe that projects like the Dragon Gate not only beautify our city but also create lasting impacts that benefit future generations. Together, we continue to build a prosperous and culturally rich Thailand.

Giving Women a Second Chance” Project

The “Giving Women a Second Chance” project is a transformative initiative that empowers women in prison by equipping them with essential skills and knowledge. We teach approximately thirty subjects that cover a wide range of topics, including vocational training, financial literacy, health education, and personal development. This comprehensive curriculum prepares these women for their reintegration into society, enabling them to build successful and sustainable careers upon their release. In collaboration with various Ministries and organizations, BPW Thailand provides participants with completion certificates. These credentials not only validate their newfound skills but also enhance their employability, giving them a stronger foothold in the job market.

Our dedicated team of trainers foster a supportive learning environment that encourages personal growth and resilience. Our intent is to provide valuable knowledge and practical skills to break the cycle of reoffending and empower the women to lead fulfilling lives. The project is about restoring hope and dignity to women who have faced significant challenges. Every woman deserves the opportunity for a fresh start.

Financial Discipline Initiative

In Thailand, some 40 million people grapple with debt, a significant issue that stems from a lack of financial discipline, inadequate planning, and ineffective saving habits. This widespread debt crisis has far-reaching consequences, affecting not only individual families but also organizations, and as families drown in debt, the ripple effect hinders the economic and social development of the entire country.

BPW Thailand collaborates with five partner organizations from both the public and private sectors, in the **Financial Discipline Creation Project**, aimed at addressing personal borrowing and household debt issues, mitigating their impact on society, and instilling financial discipline among individuals and families. By promoting financial literacy, the project empowers individuals to manage their finances wisely, leading to healthier, debt-free lives and contributing to a more robust national economy.

This mentorship-based learning model is based on trained mentors who disseminate financial knowledge and provide personalized advice to members within their organizations. The Stock Exchange of Thailand plays a pivotal role by leading training sessions, offering guidance, and supporting the development of educational resources, such as the "Happy Money for Financial Happiness" training manual, tailored for women’s groups across the country. This training equips participants with the tools to plan their expenses, manage debt effectively, and develop a deeper understanding of the importance of saving. By supporting responsible financial behavior, the Financial Discipline Creation Project enhances the financial well-being of participants and strengthens the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations, paving the way for long-term, sustainable success across Thailand.

BPW Thailand's Annual Business and Professional Women Awards

Each year, BPW Thailand proudly presents the Business and Professional Women Award of Thailand to outstanding members and non-members who have made remarkable contributions in their respective fields. Objectives:

1. Recognition of Excellence

The award seeks to identify and honor Thai women entrepreneurs and professionals who have achieved success in their business or professional careers, because of their accomplishments and for upholding high ethical standards. This makes them exemplary role models, they serve as a beacon of inspiration for others to follow, encouraging women to aspire for excellence in both their personal and professional lives.

2. Support and Encouragement. 

By celebrating the accomplishments of these exceptional women, BPW Thailand fosters a culture of support and encouragement for Thai women in business and professional careers. The award boosts the confidence and morale of women, acknowledging their hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It also serves as a reminder that their efforts are recognized and valued, further motivating them to continue breaking barriers and achieving greater heights in their respective industries.

3. Enhancing Public Image 

One of the key goals of the award is to promote a positive image of women entrepreneurs and professionals in the eyes of the public. By showcasing these women for the business world and society, BPW Thailand aims to shift perceptions and emphasize the vital role women play in economic growth and community development. These awards highlight the leadership, innovation, and commitment of Thai women, helping to create a more inclusive and empowering environment for future generations.

BPW Thailand uses this annual recognition to celebrate exceptional women for their achievements and contributions. The award ceremony honors individual success and serves as a collective celebration of the strength, resilience, and talent of Thai women. Our Award is a symbol of empowerment and progress and allows BPW Thailand to inspire others to pursue their dreams with determination and integrity. The award contributes to the broader mission of BPW: to empower women to create a better world by enabling them to realize their full potential and to lead with purpose in their professions and communities. We see how the award continues to inspire future generations of women to strive for excellence while fostering an environment of mutual support, respect, and recognition for women in business and professional sectors across Thailand.

Climate Change and Flood Relief Efforts

BPW Thailand pulled together to seek support during a donations drive aimed at assisting BPW members affected by the recent floods in Northern Thailand. The devastating floods, exacerbated by the impacts of climate change, have severely impacted many families, leaving them in urgent need of assistance and support. Homes were destroyed, communities displaced, and livelihoods disrupted livelihoods - particularly in rural areas where many of our members reside. These families are facing significant challenges, including a lack of access to basic necessities such as food, clean water, and medical care. Contributions are used for essential aid, including food supplies, temporary shelter, clothing, and medical assistance for those in dire need.

BPW is also focused on long-term recovery strategies to help our members rebuild their lives and communities. This includes providing access to resources that will enable them to restore their businesses and livelihoods. 

In Closing

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to BPW National President Barbara Bozeman and BPW New York President Nermin Ahmad for the incredible opportunity to share the wisdom and stories of BPW Thailand and the Asia and Pacific Region. Your support and encouragement have been invaluable in amplifying our voice and promoting our initiatives.

As I recount our experiences and achievements, I am reminded of the resilience and dedication of our members who work tirelessly to empower women and foster communities across the region. From educational programs to advocacy efforts, BPW Thailand is deeply committed to creating a positive impact in the lives of women and girls.

I hope that this narrative serves not only to inform but also to inspire our BPW members in the USA and around the world. By sharing our successes and challenges, we can foster a spirit of collaboration and solidarity, encouraging each other to strive for our common goals. Together, we can learn from one another, adapt best practices, and build a stronger network that uplifts women globally.

Let us continue to share our stories, celebrate our achievements, and work collectively towards a brighter future for women everywhere. Thank you once again for this opportunity, and I look forward to our continued collaboration and shared success.

Chularat (Toyting) Israngkool Na Ayutthaya 

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