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A guide for what NFBPWC requires from our speakers

9 Jun 2022 1:31 PM | Lea-Ann W. Berst

As a speaker at our event, we appreciate you sharing your experiences with our attendees! To help us better promote your session and offer a best-in-class experience for the audience, we ask that you please adhere to these 3 points.

1. Provide the following to the event organizer at least 4 weeks prior to your session:

When writing the title of your session, make sure it can stand alone. You'll want people to get an understanding of what the event is, if only the title is what they see.

Provide a brief 2-paragragh (less than 120 words) write-up to use when promoting your break-out session. As you’re thinking about the words you'd like to write, remember who you’re targeting.

  • What is the information they’ll want to hear as they’re deciding to attend your session?
  • What are the reasons they’ll want to attend?
  • What are the unique benefits of attending your session.

In 1 or 2 short paragraphs, provide your name, title, brief job description, and bio that explains what makes you (the speaker) relevant and interesting to learn from. Please do not go over 100 words.

In order to maintain professional continuity, we ask that you please provide a professional, hi-res photograph (JPEG/PNG at 300ppi is optimal) for use in your speaker bio and other marketing materials. If a photo matching this description is not provided, NFBPWC reserves the right to refuse its use. Speakers who do not provide an appropriate photo will be represented by the NFBPWC logo.

As part of our marketing initiatives, as well as a way for our audience to connect with our speakers, we will tag you in our social posts. Please feel free to engage by sharing and commenting!

2. The presentation: whenever possible, please use the NFBPWC PowerPoint Template when creating your presentation

  • We ask that you NOT use a NFBPWC event to "sell" your product or service directly to the audience during your presentation.
  • When pre-approved and considered relevant to the event, your presentation can include a product or service announcement
  • You can provide handouts to benefit the audience -- which is where you can add a brief mention of your products and services.
  • When pre-approved, you can provide books or other giveaways to the audience, and sell and/or sign books that you have written.
  • Allow 5-10 minutes for Q&A during your time allotment.

3. Help promote your session

  • A video is the #1 way to engage with our audience online. Provide a short, 30-second video summarizing your session topic and description. (These don’t have to be anything fancy. Phone videos are fine.) Make sure to include your “why” – why attendees should care about and attend your session.
  • Let your followers know that you'll be speaking at our event.
  • Provide relevant articles and blog posts authored by you.
  • Provide links to a podcast you host or episodes where you’ve been a guest.
  • Provide a relevant excerpt from a book you plan to sell or give away at the event.

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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