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THE NFBPWC Action CAMPAIGNS - Drive Change!

Take Action With NFBPWC

Click on the Act Right Now! buttons to view the tools you'll need to join us as we advocate for women's rights. Learn about the status of key legislation, and make your voice heard by sending messages directly to elected officials and decision makers.

HOT TIP: You can complete the action items (OCP emails, calls, social media posts and video submissions) multiple times! Volume is everything when it comes to communicating with decision makers and influencers!


  • 10 Dec 2022
    "Take Action" Online Tool -- This tool is open to the public. It will help you tell your Members of Congress to support the ERA.

Tell Congress to Remove The Arbitrary ERA Deadline 

Contact your legislators! The arbitrary deadline for the Equal Rights Amendment must be removed so that equal rights on the basis of sex are enshrined in our Constitution. Currently, there is no Constitutional backing for sex-based equality in this country.

This resolution eliminates the deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, which prohibits discrimination based on sex. Equality has no deadline! 

Act Right Now!


Please help us improve this number -- click the ACT RIGHT NOW button & tell your friends and professional networks!

How to use Action Alerts

Learn how to use the OneClick Politics automated system that will help you email, call, tweet, and even send a video message:



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This program is open to the public.
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Note: Once you sign up for the alerts you'll immediately receive a welcome message. If you don’t, your registration was NOT captured. Please try again or email the NFBPWC VP of Advocacy .

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles


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