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2 Sep 2024 1:10 PM | Kemi Oyebade (Administrator)

By: Susan Oser
NFBPWC Health Chair, 

Hello everyone. I am your new Health Committee Chair, Susan Oser from the great state of  Michigan. I would like thank President Barbara Bozeman for having trust in me in this role. 

What makes the right person for this position? 

1. I had a mother who was a licensed practicing nurse (LPN), so I learned some of the  basics from her. 

2. I am currently going through some of my own health-related issues that I would like to encourage you to  take care of your own health. 

3. I decided to take on this role because I feel like there is a big need to discuss women’s health.  4. I would like to make sure there are resources for reaching out for all forms of health issues. 

If you are a former member of the health committee or would like to find an area where you could be involved,  please contact me at and I will put you on my list. I have not decided on a meeting date or  time officially, but once I do, I shall let you know. If you have any suggestions for focus topics, articles to write,  etc. Please let me know.  

I would like to make women’s health something we should not be scared to talk about no matter what age we  are or what kind of situation we are going through.

Health Awareness Dates: September is – 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Month, Atrial Fibrillation Month, Baby Safety Month, Blood Cancer  Awareness Month, Cholesterol Education Month, Craniofacial Acceptance Month, Global Pulmonary Fibrosis  Awareness Month, Gynecology Cancer Awareness Month, Histiocytosis Awareness Month, (World) Leukemia  and Lymphoma Awareness Month, Mesothelioma Awareness Month, Mold Awareness Month, National Alcohol  & Drug Addiction Recovery Month, National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, National Disease Literacy  Month, National DNA, Geonomics & Stem Cell Education Month, National Food Safety Education Month,  National Head Lice Prevention Month, National Infant Mortality Awareness Month, National Osteopathic  Medicine Month, National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, National Pediculosis (Head Lice) Prevention  Month, National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, National Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month, National  Sickle Cell Month, National Skin Care Awareness Month, National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month,  National Suicide Prevention Month, Pain Awareness Month, Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, Polycystic  Ovarian Syndrome Awareness Month, Self-Care Awareness Month, Sports and Home Eye Health & Safety  Month, Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, World Alzheimer's Month.

Equal Participation of Women and Men in Power and Decision-Making Roles.

NFBPWC is a national organization with membership across the United States acting locally, nationally and globally. NFBPWC is not affiliated with BPW/USA Foundation.

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